Save Himayat Bagh

Our Mission

A National Movement to save 400 years old Heritage site Himayat Bagh Biodiversity Zone in Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar(Aurangabad) Maharashtra. One of the main objectives of the movement is to gather support from the public to save and protect the 400 years old Himayat bagh biodiversity zone.

What is Himayat Bagh Biodiversity Zone?

400 years old Himayat Bagh Garden is situated in the heart of City and acts like the oxygen lungs of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar Aurangabad, Maharashtra. Himayat Bagh is a historical garden rich in biodiversity and archaeological remains, it is one of the best examples of a Royal historical garden and needs to be protected as Biodiversity Heritage Site. The entire place is 310 acres. This is the last remaining Royal garden in the Marathwada region.

What is inside Himayat Bagh Biodiversity Zone?

The Journey

To Protect the 300 Acres of Himayat Bagh biodiversity Zone PIL.No.63/2021 was filed before the Honble Bombay High Court Aurangabad Bench, the Hon’ble High Court ordered the Maharashtra State Government to declare the 310 Acres of Himayat Bagh Garden as Biodiversity Heritage site under THE BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY ACT, 2002.,and protect the heritage buildings and other structures by the state archaeological department.

The proposal was submitted for declaring the entire 310 acres area as a biodiversity heritage site before the local biodiversity committee. The proposal for declaring 310 acres of biodiversity heritage site was approved by the local Biodiversity Committee and is currently pending for final approval with the state of Maharashtra Board and Govt.

During the pending of biodiversity proposal, the Govt. of Maharashtra is trying to water it down by reducing the protection area to only 40 acres by excluding 260 acres from the biodiversity heritage site which will eventually destroy the entire biodiversity and flora and fauna of the area.

To Save and protect the Area as a Biodiversity heritage site and create public awareness we are launching the “SAVE HIMAYAT BAGH” campaign. 

Our Approach

When citizens participate in large numbers it will lead to creating public awareness and make a positive impact on Government’s decision-making process. The air quality index of major metro cities in India is getting worst day by day. The right to Life is a fundamental right of every citizen in India, which includes the right to clean air. If citizens need to come forward to demand the right to clean air and for that protect the oxygen-producing hub like Himayat Bagh Garden Biodiversity Zone.

Join the Movement

In this urgent, global endeavor, we invite your support. The true success of this movement is to make humanity come together as one to secure the future of all life and our planet.